Full steam ahead for 2021
Phew, its nearly December, yeeha! David‘s birthday – yes it‘s me writing this to remind Jacqui and Ted – and Christmas is just around the corner so I‘ve written to Santa asking for a larger still. This also means 2020 is nearly gone (good riddance to it, everyone say aye), phew, and to think this was going to be our year for growing our gin range and for developing a larger dedicated space within our Lacock shop, you know for tasting, talking and thinking (about gin and other things of course, is there anything else?). Well with it nearly behind us and with our pre-Christmas orders seeing us through (thanks you lot) we‘re feeling kind of positive about 2021 (Vaccination and all) its going to be full steam ahead with no time for standing still (yes pun intended, sorry). So let‘s raise a glass to all of us for doing our bit this year and for getting ourselves ready to turn this Covid thing around (Ignoring Brexit here by the way) – cheers me dears. See you on the next installment, hic.